ISIF Asia conducted a pilot mentoring program for the 2014 grant recipients on Evaluation and Communications, for which 3 grant recipients were selected from Cambodia, Cook Island and India. The mentoring provided was valued at around 15,000 AUD per project, on top of the grant allocated for their projects to support the mentors fees, travel, communications products, etc. Organizations supported commit resources from their own budget to cover the their expenses. The mentoring was by 2 very experienced professionals part of the DECI project, Sonal Zaveri (on evaluation) and Vira Ramelan (on communications).
The mentoring was offered on a combination webminar, on-line tutoring and one-on-one sessions during site visits conducted by the mentors. This face-to-face event in Brisbane, allowed the 3 organizations receiving mentoring to work together with the mentors to finalize their frameworks and strategies. Their work was incorporated as part of the ISIF Asia grant reports and will be available when their grants conclude (mid 2015).