The Network for Non Formal Educational Institution (N-NFEI) is a
registered organization
promoting access to basic quality education for all children.
The organization was Founded
and Resisted in 2010 to lobby for Registration, Recognition and
involvement of Non Formal
schools within the Ministry of Education. These schools cater
for 60% of school going
children in Kenyan slums and marginalized communities.
Early 2011 the founder of the organization was told about Video
Conferencing as a solution
that would enable one teacher to teach multiple schools. N-NFEI
emblazed the idea and
consulted ISP Providers of which Swift Global agreed to provide
the infrastructure for seven
centres and a transmitting studio. In 11th August 2011 the
program was launched by the PS
Ministry of Information and communication Dr. Bitange Demo.The
organization was able to
move on the program with 2 centres in Korogocho and Kayole
In April 2012 N-NFEI received funding to train Teachers,
managers and the technical team
on ICT and Content development Skills in an 8 days training
The skills enables them apply E-Learning in teaching.
After the training the technical team and the teachers took
another 3 weeks to adapt content
from Commonwealth of Learning (COL) Open Education Recourse for
secondary level. We
adapted Chemistry, English, Biology and Physics from COL Site
and Kiswahili, Geography,
History and Government Business Education from other open source
N-NFEI received funding from Fire Project to employ 3 teachers
to teach using ICT and Media
and for the last 6 months the group have managed to develop
video based revision content
for Biology ,Mathematics ,Physics, Kiswahili and Fasihi that
will be accessed through Elimu
on Line and Elimu TV
The program has identified Non Formal schools ,Adult Education
Center and Prisons will
use the content as from January 2014