Operation ASHA is an NGO that provides Tuberculosis (TB) care to the most disadvantaged populations. It has presence in India, Cambodia and our model is replicated in parts of Africa. In Cambodia, they work closely with the Government to implement the TB program in 8 provinces, reaching out to about 15% of the population. Cambodia and South Africa has the highest TB prevalence in the world according to World Health Organization (WHO, 2014). TB spreads very quickly through breadth exhaled by patients with active mycobacterium TB in their lungs. Each undiagnosed/ untreated patient infects 12 others, on an average, leading to a geometric progression. This eDetection App served to stem TB spread using low cost communications network (3G and tablets) and systematic screening to reach the 80% of the population living in rural Cambodia. The App’s geo mapping function allowed the mobile field supervisors to identify and react quickly to community hot spots with high TB prevalence to prevent outbreaks. The App also prompted users of the follow-ups required for each TB patient especially useful so that patients don’t fall through the cracks due to human error. With the App, the project has successfully prevented 4,872 cases of TB and recorded an increase in accuracy of identifying patients with TB by 12%.